Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Maximize Seasoning with Blender

land traditionally cuisine is much better than the processed instantly. For example, to smooth flavor. To produce a delicious flavor seasonings, marinades is advised to be mashed with pulverized.

Unfortunately, this process requires extra energy and a longer time. For this reason many people decide to save time and effort by using a blender. No real problem to use the blender, it's just that usually tastes so less enjoyable.

Mememarkan This will help remove spice aromas and essential oils from it. Essential oils that come out will make the aroma and taste will be more delicious dishes.

How to Make Goat Meat More Tender

In addition to a distinctive odor prengus, goat meat is also known tough and difficult processed. Boiled for a long time was not necessarily going to make the texture of the meat is so good to eat. It may be tender after long boiling, but usually so bland meat because the meat juice is lost.

However, it is revealed that the meat mengempukkan process will be easier and faster by using grated pineapple. The trick, mutton chopped (no need to be washed first so no prengus), soaked in grated pineapple. This soaking process only takes 3-5 minutes.

This process will issue pemarutan extract and pineapple juice, and soften the flesh. With pineapple texture like this, the extract will be easier to get into the meat fibers and break down protein compared with pineapple chunks just by giving up meat.

Beautiful Color of Ayam Bakar (Burned Cicken)

How to bake chicken so the results tanned, shiny and pretty uneven color?

Roasting a whole chicken or pieces look easy. And if not careful, chicken skin will burn unevenly and mushy. First, after the spiced chicken and Bake in a moderately hot oven (180 C) until cooked and slightly dry skin. Combine lemon juice, honey and a little melted butter. Brush the surface of the skin of the chicken whole or in pieces with the honey mixture. Then baked in the oven with the fire for 15 minutes until dry. Remove the chicken, let stand a minute and serve. Chicken surface drier and slightly sweet taste.

The Right Cabbage for Kimchi

Crisp white cabbage kimchi and thick texture is very well liked. How to choose a good cabbage for kimchi?

Kimchi can be made of various types of vegetables such as radishes, cucumbers or carrots. However, Chinese cabbage kimchi is the most popular because the texture is crisp and fresh. When buying cabbage, choose one that is large in size, slightly rounded shape but solid. If appointed feels heavy and tight sawinya strands and glue each other.

This will crisp chicory because its leaves thick. When withered in the fermentation process despite the soft parts of the leaves become wilted but still crunchy tasty white part. If the split will look helaiannya tightly bound to each other.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Boil Potato Peel This Way

Plain boiled potatoes and steamed processed into patties or mashed potato . Generally still -skinned potatoes . Because the texture is soft , kentangpun skin should be peeled carefully .
Boil or steam the potatoes are included with skin . To be easily skinned , do this trick in order to remain smooth boiled potatoes .
1 . Peel of the longest
So that the texture is not damaged , try to peel the potato skins from the longest side . Hold the potato with the left hand , and run the blade to the left slowly . With so potatoes that have been boiled will not be damaged .
2 . Prepare an ice water
Ice water also need to be prepared in the basin . Later this ice water will be used to soak the potatoes that have been boiled . The water is not too much , as long as the entire surface of the potatoes can be submerged .
3 . Soak a few moments
After boiling , the potatoes can be directly immersed in ice water . Then set aside some time to cool boiled potatoes or hot longer and slightly harden , so the potato skins easier to peel.
4 . Slide with nail
If you do not want to use a knife , peel the boiled potatoes can be peeled away with a finger . The trick hold the potatoes , then squeeze the potatoes from the very tip slowly until the skin peeled . Do it over the entire surface of the chipped potatoes .

Consider it Before Buying Organic Food

Organic food is grown with natural methods . Not using perstisida or chemical fertilizers . And hence more healthful foods consumed was started many people are beginning to apply healthy life .
Although the food looked fresh ingredients , but also need to be careful when purchasing . Before buying organic groceries refer trick suggested five as follows ini.Sebelum Consider Buying Organic Food Essentials It :
1 . Visit the seller of organic food retail
To get fresh organic ingredients at a cheaper price , buy it in organic stores . Its kind in the form of vegetables , fruit , meat , eggs , and many others . Because of the amount sold fewer than supermarkets and directly from farmers , food fresher .
2 . Choose the right foods
Pesticides can continue to stick to the food though it was washed clean . For example, in potatoes , spinach , broccoli , mango , strawberry , and sweet corn . Therefore, choose the organic form in order to be safe for consumption .
3 . Shopping needs and budget
Organic food prices tend to be more expensive . Therefore Spend according to your needs and budget . If this is always done , you also can still eat healthy foods without spending a lot of money .
4 . Buy seasonal foods
The harvest season is not continuously make the most of food must be supplied . Likewise with organic food . Buy seasonal produce that can be stored longer in the refrigerator . This is also an effective way to reduce the cost of shopping .
5 . Visit some of the self-
If you have visited supermarkets offer a high price , you can visit other supermarkets . Maybe selling price of organic food is much cheaper so it can be more efficient .

Qualified Beef

Beef can be bought in supermarkets or traditional markets. But if you want to get quality meat, need to consider several things.

Determine the quality of meat texture of the meat was over cooked. In order not to be disappointed, you should do this simple trick when buying meat:

1 . Meat more moist

Quality beef can also be determined from the meat moist . Choose beef that tend to damp and soft . Typically aged cattle slaughtered were old enough or not too old age .

2 . More expensive

The more quality , then the price of meat tend to be expensive . You will get the texture of the meat is soft and does not smell rancid . Usually this type of meat served in a fancy restaurant or hotel . Good quality meat can be found in specialty butcher shops .

3 . Select the appropriate portion of meat dishes

When buying meat should note the meat pieces . Because the part is crucial pieces of meat texture of the meat was over cooked . Choose the appropriate type of cooking meat section . Meat or meat rawon lemusir to the upper thigh for rendang .

4 . Note label

To get quality beef can also be seen from meat packaging label . You can note the pieces of meat , gram , the price and appearance of meat . Should select a piece of meat with less fat . You also can get labeled meat in supermarkets .

5 . See the color of flesh

Meat quality can be seen from the color . Make sure the beef you buy bright red , not dull or gray . If you spend a lot of meat juices during cooking , it could be before the meat has been frozen in the freezer .

Add Savory Flavor Cream Soup

Cream soup or cream soup is delicious, creamy texture with a natural savory flavors are delicious. How to make savory chowder so delicious?

Cream soups are usually made ​​from nuts or vegetables such as tubers and stems are crushed. In addition to the broth used to boil until soft, liquid milk can also be used. Generally, liquid milk is added after the mashed vegetables.

Tasty milk will give a soft accent that is good on soft condensed soup. If you want to add a little more savory sensation of heavy cream as a final touch and accent. Put in a serving bowl cream soup, I stole a little fresh cream. Stir the soup should be eaten shortly savory to taste delicious. If you like, plain yogurt can also be slightly acidic.